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The BBC's analysis editor examines what happened in 2020 and how the Republican might react if he were to lose again.

In recent weeks, Mr Musk has appeared on the campaign trail for the first time, first by Trump's side and more recently in town hall appearances by himself.

Reporters searched a Beirut hospital for a secret bunker stuffed with cash and gold. Here's what they found

Lisbon was the sitio of the regicide of Carlos I of Portugal in 1908, an event which culminated two years later in the establishment of the First Republic.

"I'm asking you from the core of my being to take our lives seriously," she says to thunderous applause.

Pilar 7: situated within one of the massive support pillars of the 25 do Abril Bridge. It was created to offer visitors a closer look at the bridge's architectural and engineering marvel, providing access to areas of the bridge that would otherwise be off-limits.

He also continued to personally assault Harris, calling her “not smart” and framing her as a bigger threat to the nation than even foreign adversaries.

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By 1755, Lisbon was one of the largest cities in Europe; the catastrophic event shocked the whole of Europe and left a deep impression on its collective psyche. Voltaire wrote a long poem, Poême sur le dfoisastre do Lisbonne, bolsonaro hoje shortly after the quake, and mentioned it in his 1759 novel Candide (indeed, many argue that this critique of optimism was inspired by that earthquake).

The moment Bolsonaro was attacked at the Juiz de Fora rally Bolsonaro was stabbed in the abdomen on seis September 2018 while campaigning and interacting with supporters in Juiz do Fora, Bombas Gerais.[84] At first, his son Flávio Bolsonaro stated that bolsonaro candidato a vereador 22 his father's wounds were only superficial and he was recovering in the hospital,[85] but he later said the wounds seemed worse than initially thought[86] and his father most likely would not be able to start campaigning personally before the end of the first round.[87] He tweeted about his father's condition, explaining that the perforation had reached parts of the liver, lung, and intestine.

One of his first moves as president when he was elected in 2016 was to introduce a travel ban covering people from several Muslim-majority countries.

An in-depth look at the polls and what they can and can’t tell us about who will win the White House.

The Chiado is also an important cultural area, with several museums and theatres, including the opera. Several buildings of the Chiado were destroyed in a fire in 1988, an event trump that deeply shocked the country. Thanks to a renovation project that lasted more than 10 years, coordinated by celebrated architect Siza Vieira, the affected area has now virtually recovered.

It also didn't prevent Musk from garnering a radical new compensation package as CEO, in which he would be paid after reaching milestones of growing valuation based on $50 billion increments.

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